Query INSERT INTO `user_session_data_storage` SET `last_activity` = NOW(), `session_id` = ? : 
Statement could not be executed (23000 - 1062 - Duplicate entry 'NULL' for key 'user_sid')
3rd Hong Kong Digital Advertising Industry Fresh Graduate Support Schem: Application Graduates
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Graduate Applicant > Application Procedure

  • Interested graduates should read the factsheet before submitting their online applications
  • Graduate applicants may register at the Support Scheme website and submit their CVs and e-portfolios to the online platform for access by interested digital advertising companies
  • Available jobs and related information will be posted on the Support Scheme website from time to time, and email alerts will be sent to registered graduates whenever new jobs are posted.
  • Registered graduate applicants will receive their own user password to access the online platform and apply for interested jobs directly through the Support Scheme website after the jobs are posted
  • Employing companies may access the graduate applicants’ CVs and e-portfolios on the online platform to select suitable candidates, whom will receive job interview (if any) and recruitment notices directly from the employing companies
            APPLY NOW!

Query SELECT `sid`, `count`, `user_sid` FROM `statistics` WHERE 1  AND `ip` = ''  AND `type` = ''  AND `event` = 'siteView'  AND YEAR(CURDATE()) = YEAR(`date`) AND DAYOFYEAR(CURDATE()) = DAYOFYEAR(`date`)  AND `object_sid` = '0'  AND `price` = '0'   LIMIT 1 : 
Statement could not be executed (HY000 - 144 - Table './hkdai_gss3/statistics' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed)
Query INSERT INTO `statistics` (`user_sid`, `ip`, `event`, `object_sid`, `type`, `date`, `featured`, `priority`, `reactivate`, `price`, `plugin`) VALUES (0, ?, ?, 0, ?, NOW(), 0, 0, 0, ?, ?) : 
Statement could not be executed (HY000 - 144 - Table './hkdai_gss3/statistics' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed)