Query INSERT INTO `user_session_data_storage` SET `last_activity` = NOW(), `session_id` = ? : 
Statement could not be executed (23000 - 1062 - Duplicate entry 'NULL' for key 'user_sid')
3rd Hong Kong Digital Advertising Industry Fresh Graduate Support Schem
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4th CEO/Master Talk (13 June 2018)

A “you-don't-want-to-miss” event which is helpful to your continuous professional development is coming up! Some top executives of digital advertising companies in Hong Kong will share their experiences and tips at a CEO/Master Talk with the audience and some practical skills to solve problems related to the digital advertising industry.

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3rd CEO/Master Talk, 27 March

A “you-don’t-want-to-miss” event which is helpful to your continuous professional development is coming up!  Some top executives of digital advertising companies in Hong Kong will share their experiences and tips at a CEO/Master Talk with the audience and some practical skills to solve problems related to the digital advertising industry. Prior registration with seats are on a first-come-first-served basis.

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Open House Event 2017

An excellent opportunity to learn more about the real working environment and daily operation of digital advertising companies! The participating advertising companies of Open House events will share the latest trend of the industry, brief on their work, and provide a guided tour of their different departments.

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CV & e-portfolio submission

Up to 36 hot jobs offered by local digital advertising agencies for graduates to apply, submit your CV now!

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3rd Career Talk (18 May 2017)

Senior management from digital advertising companies are coming to share with you on the industry development trends, types of jobs that are available in the market, as well as job requirements and career prospects of the industry.

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Portfolio Presentation Event (26 May 2017)

Final year students who are interested in developing a career in the digital advertising industry and have lots of creative ideas and remarkable portfolios are invited to join our Portfolio Presentation Event!

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2nd CEO/ Master Talk (28 Apr 2017)

A "you-don't-want-to-miss" chance for your continuous professional development is coming up!

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Company Recruitment for Program Year 2017

Digital advertising companies are welcomed to submit application for the Support Scheme. 36 jobs vacancies will be provided and funded by CreateHK.

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2nd Career Talk (23 Feb 2017)

Senior management from digital advertising companies are coming to share with you on the industry development trends, types of jobs that are available in the market, as well as job requirements and career prospects of the industry.

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1st CEO/Master Talk (18 Nov 2016)

A “you-don’t-want-to-miss” chance for your continuous professional development is coming up! 

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Query SELECT `sid`, `count`, `user_sid` FROM `statistics` WHERE 1  AND `ip` = ''  AND `type` = ''  AND `event` = 'siteView'  AND YEAR(CURDATE()) = YEAR(`date`) AND DAYOFYEAR(CURDATE()) = DAYOFYEAR(`date`)  AND `object_sid` = '0'  AND `price` = '0'   LIMIT 1 : 
Statement could not be executed (HY000 - 144 - Table './hkdai_gss3/statistics' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed)
Query INSERT INTO `statistics` (`user_sid`, `ip`, `event`, `object_sid`, `type`, `date`, `featured`, `priority`, `reactivate`, `price`, `plugin`) VALUES (0, ?, ?, 0, ?, NOW(), 0, 0, 0, ?, ?) : 
Statement could not be executed (HY000 - 144 - Table './hkdai_gss3/statistics' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed)